Guide to get started with Locus - Photography One Page Bootstrap 5 Template.
All template files with unminified CSS / JS. Use this doc if you don't wish to use Node.js / Gulp / SASS.dist
All template distribution files like HTML / CSS / JS that have been processed (compiled / minified) from src
doc using Node.js / Gulp.src
All template source files like HTML / SCSS / CSS / JS that are then processed (compiled / minified) to dist
doc. src/assets/js
Contains main theme.js
and JS vendor files. If you don't wish to use all included plugins and scripts, just remove unwanted vendor JS files from src/assets/js/vendor
then remove unwanted functions from src/assets/js/theme.js
and recompile.src/assets/css
Contains CSS vendor files. If you don't wish to use all included plugins, just remove unwanted vendor CSS from src/assets/css/vendor
and recompile.src/assets/scss
Contains all project SCSS files that are compiled and minified in dist/assets/css
Includes the list of dependencies to install from npm.gulpfile.js
Configuration file for Gulp library. It contains all tasks to perform with Gulp. Learn more about it from official Gulp documentation.This step aims for advanced users who want to speed up development process and is optional. You can still use plain HTML / CSS / JS to customize Locus. Files you need are located in dev
If you'd like to speed up development process with Node.js / Gulp / SASS, then follow these steps:
npm install gulp-cli -g
command, if you haven't already installed Gulp CLI
, go to your command line and run npm install
. This will install the npm packages listed in the package.json
This command will fire default gulp task which includes: creating dist
folder, launching BrowserSync, merging vendor libraries, JS minification, SASS and HTML compilation and starting watch task.gulp serve
This command will launch watch task and BrowserSync. It will watch changes of your HTML / SCSS / CSS / JS files and automatically compile them.gulp build:dist
This will create dist
which includes all template files with minified CSS / JS.gulp build:dev
This will create dev
which includes all template files with unminified CSS / JS.When you want to kill the server just hit Control + C
To turn your pages to light version make sure to use style-light.css
on all HTML pages.
To change the theme color, add color CSS file you wish to use inside the head
tag, right after style.css link, in all your HTML pages.
Available color options: blue.scss
, green.scss
, pink.scss
, purple.scss
, red.scss
, yellow.scss
To change the primary color to a custom color, open src/assets/scss/user-variables.scss
and assign your custom color value to $primary
and recompile.
You can add animations to elements to show them by scrolling. For plugin usage and documentation please visit scrollCue.js docs
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